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Archaeologists Find Sinister Sculptures in Historic Peruvian City
An ancient passage full of creepy wooden statues was discovered in Peru, in the abandoned city of Chan Chan.
Scientists believe they have discovered a Parallel Universe
Scientists believe they may have glimpsed a parallel universe crashing into our own.
Scientists discover a Multidimensional Universe inside the brain
The new study claims that the Human Brain can create structures in up to 11 dimensions.
‘Elixir of Immortality’ found in Ancient Chinese Tomb
Researchers have identified that the mysterious liquid that is thousands of years old is the famous potion from Chinese legends.
The Mysterious Australian Aborigines Wandjina Gods
The intriguing tales of sky beings called Wandjinas who are believed to be the creators of the land and people.
Hegra: The Incredible City Carved in Stone
For the first time in 2,000 years, tourists will have access to the ancient city of Hegra in Saudi Arabia.
Millionaire Buys an Old Radar to Search for UFOs
A British tech businessman seeks help repairing a Cold War-era radar antenna and turning it into a UFO detector.
Could an Intelligent Aquatic Civilization Exist?
Sailors, military, fishermen, divers, travelers and oceanographers have reported stories about humanoid creatures that live in oceans, rivers and lakes.