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Sounds and the Hidden Structures in Universe
Sound is a powerful force that can be felt not only audibly but also physically, so it can evoke physical responses and alter the environment around us.
Oannes: The Amphibian God of Mesopotamia
It is believed that during the day this deity emerged from the water and taught the human race arts, sciences and writing.
Cynocephali: the Dog-Headed People
Throughout history, numerous references to these beings with the head of a jackal or dog are found in ancient Greek and Chinese texts.
NASA has audacious plan to protect Earth from Asteroids
This is a real danger that we can face if we are not properly protected against space objects that are on a collision course with Earth.
4500-year-old papyrus describes the construction of the Great Pyramid of Egypt
The document was written by a witness at the time and explains how the immense granite blocks arrived at the monument.
‘Elixir of Immortality’ found in Ancient Chinese Tomb
Researchers have identified that the mysterious liquid that is thousands of years old is the famous potion from Chinese legends.
The Mysteries of Ksar Draa
The Ksar Draa is a mysterious building lost in the dunes of the Sahara desert.
“We will find life beyond Earth”, says astronomer
For Jill Tarter, who participates in the project to search for intelligent life beyond Earth, contact with alien civilizations is just a matter of time.