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Bizarre circles in the Arctic baffle scientists and even NASA
So far, no one can explain what these brands are and what their origins.
‘Elixir of Immortality’ found in Ancient Chinese Tomb
Researchers have identified that the mysterious liquid that is thousands of years old is the famous potion from Chinese legends.
Artificial Intelligence deciphers 5,000-year-old texts
The history of humanity's oldest civilization are being revealed with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
The 5,000 Year-Old Great Pyramid of Australia
Investigations have discovered the existence of a “Great Pyramid” hidden under Australian vegetation.
What is this circle that forms around the Sun?
On some sunny day you must have come across this circle with the colors of the rainbow around the Sun.
The Mysterious 15 Million Years-Old of Footprint
A strange modern shoe print has been found in a rock estimated to be 15 million years old.
290 million-year-old fossilized forest discovered in southern Brazil
A forest that existed about 290 million years ago was found in Paraná, Brazil.
Astronaut records orange light enveloping Earth during rare event
A mysterious orange light show prompted an astronaut aboard the International Space Station to take a photo and share it with Earthlings.