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Company wants to deliver babies in Space
But first, the company promises to store eggs and sperm in orbit and perform the first extraterrestrial artificial insemination.
5,000-year-old Cemetery of Giants Discovered in China
Chinese archaeologists have discovered the remains of "giants" who lived about 5,000 years ago and their bone structure shows they were unusually tall and strong.
Universe: An Interconnected Neural Network?
A new way of thinking is emerging about how different areas of physics could be connected to create a model that unites traditional scientific thinking with new ideas in quantum physics.
The Mysterious Roman Dodecahedron
The strange object has become one of the greatest mysteries in archeology.
Amazon Rainforest once held millions more than previously thought
The southern Amazon was covered in a network of large villages and ceremonial centers before Europeans arrived.
The Fantastic Church of Saint George in Ethiopia
St. George's Church is one of eleven monolithic churches carved directly into the rock in Lalibela, Ethiopia.
The Oldest Sun Observatory in The Americas
The earliest known astronomical observatory in the Americas was built by an unknown culture, long before the Incas rose to power in Peru and began to celebrate their Sun God.