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Mysterious Lifeforms Have Been Found Beneath Antarctica
The waters below Antarctica are amongst the most inhospitable environments on our planet, or so we thought.
China plans to build a colony on the moon populated with...
Officials in the country have announced plans to build a lunar base by 2030.
Incas had advanced Cranial Surgery Techniques
Experts discovered that the Incas were capable of performing sophisticated cranial surgeries.
Astronaut records orange light enveloping Earth during rare event
A mysterious orange light show prompted an astronaut aboard the International Space Station to take a photo and share it with Earthlings.
Study Suggests the Existence of a Portal to the Fifth Dimension
The research results could explain the large amount of dark matter in the Universe.
Archaeologist Claims to Know the Location of the Holy Grail
Treasure hunters have searched for the Holy Grail for centuries, and hundreds of people have claimed to possess it.
The Mysterious 15 Million Years-Old of Footprint
A strange modern shoe print has been found in a rock estimated to be 15 million years old.
What is the Fifth Dimension?
The first dimension is height, the second is width, the third is depth, and the fourth is time, but no one has yet been able to explain what is the fifth dimension.