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Researcher Says Extraterrestrials Would Look Like Humans
They are often portrayed on screen as little green men with elongated arms and legs and big eyes, but a renowned evolutionary biologist argues that extraterrestrials could be very similar to humans.
Scientists Conclude: Aliens Exist or Existed
Astronomers calculate that the chance of us being the only civilization in the history of the Universe is just 1 in 10 billion trillion.
Study Suggests the Existence of a Portal to the Fifth Dimension
The research results could explain the large amount of dark matter in the Universe.
Research says there may be 36 intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way
In a new study, scientists have calculated that there may be 36 active intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way.
“We will find life beyond Earth”, says astronomer
For Jill Tarter, who participates in the project to search for intelligent life beyond Earth, contact with alien civilizations is just a matter of time.
Research suggests the existence of Life in the Clouds of Venus
The search for extraterrestrial life has just gained another chapter: a new study suggests that there may be life forms in the clouds of Venus.
An Ocean of Viruses in the Sky Is Raining Down on Our Heads
A gigantic number of viruses are constantly circulating around the Earth in the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere.
Archaeologists unravel mystery about strange ruins in Siberia
The structure was abandoned more than a thousand years ago without ever being used.
The man who created a Time Machine and disappeared
The young electrical engineering student disappeared after claiming to create a time machine.
The Comet of 1517: Omens of the End of the Aztec Empire
A comet recorded by the Aztecs appears to have foreshadowed the arrival of the Spanish conquerors.
Other Articles
Study Suggests the Existence of a Portal to the Fifth Dimension
The research results could explain the large amount of dark matter in the Universe.
Universe: An Interconnected Neural Network?
A new way of thinking is emerging about how different areas of physics could be connected to create a model that unites traditional scientific thinking with new ideas in quantum physics.
Researcher Says Extraterrestrials Would Look Like Humans
They are often portrayed on screen as little green men with elongated arms and legs and big eyes, but a renowned evolutionary biologist argues that extraterrestrials could be very similar to humans.
The Comet of 1517: Omens of the End of the Aztec...
A comet recorded by the Aztecs appears to have foreshadowed the arrival of the Spanish conquerors.
China plans to build a colony on the moon populated with...
Officials in the country have announced plans to build a lunar base by 2030.
Nikola Tesla’s Inventions That Changed the World
Misunderstood and undervalued in his time, the scientist changed the future in a genius way.
Subcutaneous Chips are replacing Cards and Keys
How many times have you faced problems like forgetting your wallet or losing your keys? These problems will not be part of the future.
A type of Black Hole could erase the past and offer...
Most astronomers believe that if a human were to fall into a black hole, they would be sucked in by gravity and destroyed, but a new study suggests that if someone went through this experience, they could survive and erase their past.