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Archaeologists unravel mystery about strange ruins in Siberia

The structure was abandoned more than a thousand years ago without ever being used.

Artificial Intelligence deciphers 5,000-year-old texts

The history of humanity's oldest civilization are being revealed with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

Paititi: the Golden City of the Incas

An ancient city full of treasures could be buried in the jungle in an unexplored area of ​​South America, between Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.

Mysterious insect with tuft of hair found in Suriname

Whether this crazy-haired arthropod is a new species remains to be seen.

Roanoke: The Mystery of the Lost Colony

To this day, no one knows for sure what happened to the first English settlement in America.

The Oldest Kiss in the World

The cave painting is considered to be the world's oldest record of two people kissing.

A type of Black Hole could erase the past and offer...

Most astronomers believe that if a human were to fall into a black hole, they would be sucked in by gravity and destroyed, but a new study suggests that if someone went through this experience, they could survive and erase their past.

The Fantastic Church of Saint George in Ethiopia

St. George's Church is one of eleven monolithic churches carved directly into the rock in Lalibela, Ethiopia.