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Sounds and the Hidden Structures in Universe

Sound is a powerful force that can be felt not only audibly but also physically, so it can evoke physical responses and alter the environment around us.

What is the Fifth Dimension?

The first dimension is height, the second is width, the third is depth, and the fourth is time, but no one has yet been able to explain what is the fifth dimension.

Incas had advanced Cranial Surgery Techniques

Experts discovered that the Incas were capable of performing sophisticated cranial surgeries.

A type of Black Hole could erase the past and offer...

Most astronomers believe that if a human were to fall into a black hole, they would be sucked in by gravity and destroyed, but a new study suggests that if someone went through this experience, they could survive and erase their past.

The 5,000 Year-Old Great Pyramid of Australia

Investigations have discovered the existence of a “Great Pyramid” hidden under Australian vegetation.

Norsuntepe: The Mysterious Prehistoric Site In Turkey

One of the most important sites investigated in the region of ancient Anatolia.

The Oldest Kiss in the World

The cave painting is considered to be the world's oldest record of two people kissing.

Amazon Rainforest once held millions more than previously thought

The southern Amazon was covered in a network of large villages and ceremonial centers before Europeans arrived.