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Archaeologists unravel mystery about strange ruins in Siberia
The structure was abandoned more than a thousand years ago without ever being used.
What is the Fifth Dimension?
The first dimension is height, the second is width, the third is depth, and the fourth is time, but no one has yet been able to explain what is the fifth dimension.
The Comet of 1517: Omens of the End of the Aztec...
A comet recorded by the Aztecs appears to have foreshadowed the arrival of the Spanish conquerors.
Oannes: The Amphibian God of Mesopotamia
It is believed that during the day this deity emerged from the water and taught the human race arts, sciences and writing.
The Fantastic Church of Saint George in Ethiopia
St. George's Church is one of eleven monolithic churches carved directly into the rock in Lalibela, Ethiopia.
Cibola: The Legend of the Seven Cities of Gold
Stories about lost cities full of riches were prevalent in medieval times and several of them remain to this day.
The Oldest Sun Observatory in The Americas
The earliest known astronomical observatory in the Americas was built by an unknown culture, long before the Incas rose to power in Peru and began to celebrate their Sun God.
Archaeological Site was covered by Volcano Lava for 1,400 years
The site is so impressive that it became known as the "Pompeii" of America.