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Research suggests the existence of Life in the Clouds of Venus

The search for extraterrestrial life has just gained another chapter: a new study suggests that there may be life forms in the clouds of Venus.

What is this circle that forms around the Sun?

On some sunny day you must have come across this circle with the colors of the rainbow around the Sun.

The man who created a Time Machine and disappeared

The young electrical engineering student disappeared after claiming to create a time machine.

The Mystery of Sailing Stones Revealed

For decades, the mystery of the "Sailing Stones" has left many scientists puzzled and unanswered.

The “Blood Falls” That Intrigued Scientists for 100 Years

For more than a century, scientists around the world have tried to explain the phenomenon of the red-colored waterfall in Antarctica.

The Oldest Sun Observatory in The Americas

The earliest known astronomical observatory in the Americas was built by an unknown culture, long before the Incas rose to power in Peru and began to celebrate their Sun God.

Cynocephali: the Dog-Headed People

Throughout history, numerous references to these beings with the head of a jackal or dog are found in ancient Greek and Chinese texts.

The Oldest Kiss in the World

The cave painting is considered to be the world's oldest record of two people kissing.