Polynesia is a region of Oceania, made up of more than 1,000 islands scattered across the Pacific Ocean, each with its own history and mysteries.
The most famous is Easter Island, with its huge and mysterious Moais, but a lesser-known and even more intriguing place is Nuku Hiva, the largest of the islands in the Marquesas Archipelago.
There is the archaeological site of Temehea Tohua, filled with strange humanoid statues, called Tikis, that were discovered when Europeans arrived in Polynesia in the 16th century.
The most recent studies indicate that the first inhabitants arrived on the island from Western Polynesia about 2,000 years ago and later colonized Tahiti, Hawaii, the Cook Islands and New Zealand.
While mainstream researchers suggest that these statues are the figment of the Polynesians’ imagination, others suggest a possible encounter with ancient aliens, long before the arrival of Europeans, after all their appearance is surprisingly similar to modern descriptions of UFO crews given by some witnesses, especially those that speak of reptilian beings.

The statues have large eyes, an elongated head and a mouth like that of a reptile or fish, but which could also represent artificial features of a modern diver with helmet and goggles.
Local legend says that Ono, the god of creation, promised his wife to build a house in a single day, so he gathered land and created these islands, which are named after parts of the house, with Nuku Hiva being the roof. All that was left was thrown aside forming an embankment called Ua Huka.
For mainstream researchers, this is just one more cosmogonic myth among the many existing in the most diverse cultures. However, the name “Ono”, allows us to establish a mysterious connection with other cultures around the world.
On another continent, thousands of miles away, the African Dogon tribe mentions a very similar name, Nommo, a great cultural hero and founder of civilization who came from the Star System of Sirius, and whose children, the nommos, were amphibious gods who, symbolized by fish, instructed humans.
In Mesopotamia, the ancient Sumerians referred to the god Oannes, another name very similar to the Polynesian Ono.
According to the text “Babyloniaca” by the priest Berossus, which describes the creation of the world and humanity, Oannes emerged from the sea during the day and taught science, arts, writing and technology to human beings. He taught them how to build cities, found temples, compile laws and the principles of geometric knowledge. Its entire body was that of a fish, but under the fish’s head was another head, it had feet like a man’s and a fish’s tail. This being was used to spending the day among men, but did not consume their food. And when the sun went down, Oannes returned to the sea and spent the night at the bottom, for he was amphibious.

Could it be that the Tikis of Nuku Hiva really represented another version of these same amphibious gods?
Its strange reptilian appearance could represent amphibious humanoid beings, who inhabit the bottom of the oceans, perhaps a civilization even older than humanity itself.
The latest revelations about UFOs indicate that most of them do not come from outer space, but enter and leave the oceans, where they would have underwater bases.