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Bizarre circles in the Arctic baffle scientists and even NASA

So far, no one can explain what these brands are and what their origins.

The Mystery of El Tajín

The ancient lost city remained intact, protected by the rainforest.

The 5,000 Year-Old Great Pyramid of Australia

Investigations have discovered the existence of a “Great Pyramid” hidden under Australian vegetation.

Loch Ness Monster Appears Again

New images caught something big moving under the waters of the lake.

290 million-year-old fossilized forest discovered in southern Brazil

A forest that existed about 290 million years ago was found in Paraná, Brazil.

The Amazing Hills of Bohol

The Bohol Hills are one of the main tourist attractions in the Philippines and their unexplained formation is surrounded by legends.

New type of lens detects images invisible to human eyes

The advancement of science will probably lead us to an incredible reality in the coming decades.

The Mysteries of Ksar Draa

The Ksar Draa is a mysterious building lost in the dunes of the Sahara desert.