802 tombs discovered in a necropolis in Egypt

Egypt is constantly discovering facts about its past.


The artifacts were buried in a necropolis about four thousand years old, in the village of Lisht, in the Sahara desert.

In the old cemetery, a team of researchers found exactly 802 tombs.

The site is between two pyramids, one to the south and one to the north.


The tombs have a characteristic style, carved in rocks and encased in bricks and limestone.

According to Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities, the necropolis, built at the foot of a mountain, has two parts.

In the first, a courtyard leads to a corridor with a vaulted ceiling and illustrated with hieroglyphics that leads to a hall with a small room decorated with inscriptions.

The second part consists of a large burial site in an open courtyard that houses a burial chamber where a limestone coffin was found and an empty room of geometric shape whose function is still unknown.

The discovery could bring new information about life in ancient Egypt, as the tombs offer clues about the health, economy and culture of the people who lived there for millennia.

The excavation is part of a project that aims to rescue several historic sites in Egypt.