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The Mysterious Roman Dodecahedron
The strange object has become one of the greatest mysteries in archeology.
Research suggests the existence of Life in the Clouds of Venus
The search for extraterrestrial life has just gained another chapter: a new study suggests that there may be life forms in the clouds of Venus.
Artificial Intelligence Helps Decipher Mysterious Voynich Manuscript
Scientists around the world have tried to unravel its contents, but none have succeeded. Now, technology promises to help solve this 600-year-old mystery.
NASA has audacious plan to protect Earth from Asteroids
This is a real danger that we can face if we are not properly protected against space objects that are on a collision course with Earth.
A type of Black Hole could erase the past and offer...
Most astronomers believe that if a human were to fall into a black hole, they would be sucked in by gravity and destroyed, but a new study suggests that if someone went through this experience, they could survive and erase their past.
The Mysteries of Ksar Draa
The Ksar Draa is a mysterious building lost in the dunes of the Sahara desert.
Ramesses II statue is illuminated by the Sun
Abu Simbel Temple is illuminated by the sun for 20 minutes, presenting visitors with a rare phenomenon that only happens twice a year.
Researcher Says Extraterrestrials Would Look Like Humans
They are often portrayed on screen as little green men with elongated arms and legs and big eyes, but a renowned evolutionary biologist argues that extraterrestrials could be very similar to humans.