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4500-year-old papyrus describes the construction of the Great Pyramid of Egypt

The document was written by a witness at the time and explains how the immense granite blocks arrived at the monument.

Nikola Tesla’s Inventions That Changed the World

Misunderstood and undervalued in his time, the scientist changed the future in a genius way.

Scientists believe they have discovered a Parallel Universe

Scientists believe they may have glimpsed a parallel universe crashing into our own.

Hegra: The Incredible City Carved in Stone

For the first time in 2,000 years, tourists will have access to the ancient city of Hegra in Saudi Arabia.

Archaeologists Find Sinister Sculptures in Historic Peruvian City

An ancient passage full of creepy wooden statues was discovered in Peru, in the abandoned city of Chan Chan.

Company wants to deliver babies in Space

But first, the company promises to store eggs and sperm in orbit and perform the first extraterrestrial artificial insemination.

Days on Earth are getting longer and it’s the Moon’s fault

American scientists have discovered that the farther the Moon is from Earth, the longer a day lasts.

Study Suggests the Existence of a Portal to the Fifth Dimension

The research results could explain the large amount of dark matter in the Universe.