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Norsuntepe: The Mysterious Prehistoric Site In Turkey

One of the most important sites investigated in the region of ancient Anatolia.

Artificial Intelligence Helps Decipher Mysterious Voynich Manuscript

Scientists around the world have tried to unravel its contents, but none have succeeded. Now, technology promises to help solve this 600-year-old mystery.

Loch Ness Monster Appears Again

New images caught something big moving under the waters of the lake.

What is a Solar Storm?

NASA has already recorded bursts of radiation from the Sun that could kill a human, but that was in 1972 and would only hit astronauts in orbit.

Bronze Age Tomb Found by Chance in Greece

The tombstone was discovered when a farmer was walking through a forest on the island of Crete and got stuck in the mud.

Days on Earth are getting longer and it’s the Moon’s fault

American scientists have discovered that the farther the Moon is from Earth, the longer a day lasts.

Archaeologists Find Sinister Sculptures in Historic Peruvian City

An ancient passage full of creepy wooden statues was discovered in Peru, in the abandoned city of Chan Chan.

Research suggests the existence of Life in the Clouds of Venus

The search for extraterrestrial life has just gained another chapter: a new study suggests that there may be life forms in the clouds of Venus.