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Scientists Discover How to Upload Knowledge to the Brain

Researchers have developed a simulator that can feed information directly into a person's brain and teach them new skills in a short period of time, like in the classic science fiction movie "The Matrix."

New geoglyphs discovered in Nazca

Drawings discovered in Peru would have been made more than 2000 years ago.

Hegra: The Incredible City Carved in Stone

For the first time in 2,000 years, tourists will have access to the ancient city of Hegra in Saudi Arabia.

290 million-year-old fossilized forest discovered in southern Brazil

A forest that existed about 290 million years ago was found in Paraná, Brazil.

Roanoke: The Mystery of the Lost Colony

To this day, no one knows for sure what happened to the first English settlement in America.

5,000-year-old Cemetery of Giants Discovered in China

Chinese archaeologists have discovered the remains of "giants" who lived about 5,000 years ago and their bone structure shows they were unusually tall and strong.

The Amazing Hills of Bohol

The Bohol Hills are one of the main tourist attractions in the Philippines and their unexplained formation is surrounded by legends.

New type of lens detects images invisible to human eyes

The advancement of science will probably lead us to an incredible reality in the coming decades.