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The Mysterious 15 Million Years-Old of Footprint
A strange modern shoe print has been found in a rock estimated to be 15 million years old.
Artificial Intelligence deciphers 5,000-year-old texts
The history of humanity's oldest civilization are being revealed with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
A type of Black Hole could erase the past and offer...
Most astronomers believe that if a human were to fall into a black hole, they would be sucked in by gravity and destroyed, but a new study suggests that if someone went through this experience, they could survive and erase their past.
Bronze Age Tomb Found by Chance in Greece
The tombstone was discovered when a farmer was walking through a forest on the island of Crete and got stuck in the mud.
Scientists believe they have discovered a Parallel Universe
Scientists believe they may have glimpsed a parallel universe crashing into our own.
The Amazing Hills of Bohol
The Bohol Hills are one of the main tourist attractions in the Philippines and their unexplained formation is surrounded by legends.
The Mystery of Sailing Stones Revealed
For decades, the mystery of the "Sailing Stones" has left many scientists puzzled and unanswered.
The Mysterious Roman Dodecahedron
The strange object has become one of the greatest mysteries in archeology.