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Norsuntepe: The Mysterious Prehistoric Site In Turkey

One of the most important sites investigated in the region of ancient Anatolia.

Millionaire Buys an Old Radar to Search for UFOs

A British tech businessman seeks help repairing a Cold War-era radar antenna and turning it into a UFO detector.

What is the Fifth Dimension?

The first dimension is height, the second is width, the third is depth, and the fourth is time, but no one has yet been able to explain what is the fifth dimension.

802 tombs discovered in a necropolis in Egypt

Egypt is constantly discovering facts about its past.

The Supernatural Black Bird of Chernobyl

In the days leading up to the Chernobyl disaster, workers at the nuclear plant claimed to have seen a creature known as the “Black Bird”.

Days on Earth are getting longer and it’s the Moon’s fault

American scientists have discovered that the farther the Moon is from Earth, the longer a day lasts.

Scientists Discover How to Upload Knowledge to the Brain

Researchers have developed a simulator that can feed information directly into a person's brain and teach them new skills in a short period of time, like in the classic science fiction movie "The Matrix."

‘Elixir of Immortality’ found in Ancient Chinese Tomb

Researchers have identified that the mysterious liquid that is thousands of years old is the famous potion from Chinese legends.