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What is the Fifth Dimension?
The first dimension is height, the second is width, the third is depth, and the fourth is time, but no one has yet been able to explain what is the fifth dimension.
Archaeologists Find Sinister Sculptures in Historic Peruvian City
An ancient passage full of creepy wooden statues was discovered in Peru, in the abandoned city of Chan Chan.
Scientists Discover How to Upload Knowledge to the Brain
Researchers have developed a simulator that can feed information directly into a person's brain and teach them new skills in a short period of time, like in the classic science fiction movie "The Matrix."
Cynocephali: the Dog-Headed People
Throughout history, numerous references to these beings with the head of a jackal or dog are found in ancient Greek and Chinese texts.
The Mystery of Sailing Stones Revealed
For decades, the mystery of the "Sailing Stones" has left many scientists puzzled and unanswered.
What would happen to Earth if the Moon moved away?
Without our natural satellite, the planet's climate would be in chaos and life would disappear.
Hegra: The Incredible City Carved in Stone
For the first time in 2,000 years, tourists will have access to the ancient city of Hegra in Saudi Arabia.
A type of Black Hole could erase the past and offer...
Most astronomers believe that if a human were to fall into a black hole, they would be sucked in by gravity and destroyed, but a new study suggests that if someone went through this experience, they could survive and erase their past.