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Cynocephali: the Dog-Headed People

Throughout history, numerous references to these beings with the head of a jackal or dog are found in ancient Greek and Chinese texts.

Artificial Intelligence Helps Decipher Mysterious Voynich Manuscript

Scientists around the world have tried to unravel its contents, but none have succeeded. Now, technology promises to help solve this 600-year-old mystery.

The Oldest Sun Observatory in The Americas

The earliest known astronomical observatory in the Americas was built by an unknown culture, long before the Incas rose to power in Peru and began to celebrate their Sun God.

Incas had advanced Cranial Surgery Techniques

Experts discovered that the Incas were capable of performing sophisticated cranial surgeries.

Days on Earth are getting longer and it’s the Moon’s fault

American scientists have discovered that the farther the Moon is from Earth, the longer a day lasts.

Scientists discover a Multidimensional Universe inside the brain

The new study claims that the Human Brain can create structures in up to 11 dimensions.

The Mysterious Roman Dodecahedron

The strange object has become one of the greatest mysteries in archeology.

Could an Intelligent Aquatic Civilization Exist?

Sailors, military, fishermen, divers, travelers and oceanographers have reported stories about humanoid creatures that live in oceans, rivers and lakes.