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Japanese test robot with real muscles

The biohybrid robot is half electronic and half organic, and could be the first step towards something bigger.

Sounds and the Hidden Structures in Universe

Sound is a powerful force that can be felt not only audibly but also physically, so it can evoke physical responses and alter the environment around us.

The Supernatural Black Bird of Chernobyl

In the days leading up to the Chernobyl disaster, workers at the nuclear plant claimed to have seen a creature known as the “Black Bird”.

Millionaire Buys an Old Radar to Search for UFOs

A British tech businessman seeks help repairing a Cold War-era radar antenna and turning it into a UFO detector.

Scientists Discover How to Upload Knowledge to the Brain

Researchers have developed a simulator that can feed information directly into a person's brain and teach them new skills in a short period of time, like in the classic science fiction movie "The Matrix."

What is a Solar Storm?

NASA has already recorded bursts of radiation from the Sun that could kill a human, but that was in 1972 and would only hit astronauts in orbit.

What is this circle that forms around the Sun?

On some sunny day you must have come across this circle with the colors of the rainbow around the Sun.

Could an Intelligent Aquatic Civilization Exist?

Sailors, military, fishermen, divers, travelers and oceanographers have reported stories about humanoid creatures that live in oceans, rivers and lakes.