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The Mysterious 15 Million Years-Old of Footprint

A strange modern shoe print has been found in a rock estimated to be 15 million years old.

The Amazing Hills of Bohol

The Bohol Hills are one of the main tourist attractions in the Philippines and their unexplained formation is surrounded by legends.

5,000-year-old Cemetery of Giants Discovered in China

Chinese archaeologists have discovered the remains of "giants" who lived about 5,000 years ago and their bone structure shows they were unusually tall and strong.

Nikola Tesla’s Inventions That Changed the World

Misunderstood and undervalued in his time, the scientist changed the future in a genius way.

Space Telescope may have detected sign of life on distant planet

A potentially inhabited exoplanet is the James Webb Space Telescope's newest discovery.

The Comet of 1517: Omens of the End of the Aztec...

A comet recorded by the Aztecs appears to have foreshadowed the arrival of the Spanish conquerors.

Millionaire Buys an Old Radar to Search for UFOs

A British tech businessman seeks help repairing a Cold War-era radar antenna and turning it into a UFO detector.

Google service allows users to tour Mars

Google Mars enables interactive virtual exploration of different regions of the Red Planet.