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290 million-year-old fossilized forest discovered in southern Brazil

A forest that existed about 290 million years ago was found in Paraná, Brazil.

Incas had advanced Cranial Surgery Techniques

Experts discovered that the Incas were capable of performing sophisticated cranial surgeries.

What is a Solar Storm?

NASA has already recorded bursts of radiation from the Sun that could kill a human, but that was in 1972 and would only hit astronauts in orbit.

Archaeologist Claims to Know the Location of the Holy Grail

Treasure hunters have searched for the Holy Grail for centuries, and hundreds of people have claimed to possess it.

Days on Earth are getting longer and it’s the Moon’s fault

American scientists have discovered that the farther the Moon is from Earth, the longer a day lasts.

Cynocephali: the Dog-Headed People

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802 tombs discovered in a necropolis in Egypt

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Astronaut records orange light enveloping Earth during rare event

A mysterious orange light show prompted an astronaut aboard the International Space Station to take a photo and share it with Earthlings.