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Loch Ness Monster Appears Again

New images caught something big moving under the waters of the lake.

The Cosmic Superhighways for Fast Space Travel

Astronomers have discovered that invisible structures generated by gravitational interactions in the Solar System have created a "Space Superhighway" network.

Astronaut records orange light enveloping Earth during rare event

A mysterious orange light show prompted an astronaut aboard the International Space Station to take a photo and share it with Earthlings.

New type of lens detects images invisible to human eyes

The advancement of science will probably lead us to an incredible reality in the coming decades.

Cibola: The Legend of the Seven Cities of Gold

Stories about lost cities full of riches were prevalent in medieval times and several of them remain to this day.

5,000-year-old Cemetery of Giants Discovered in China

Chinese archaeologists have discovered the remains of "giants" who lived about 5,000 years ago and their bone structure shows they were unusually tall and strong.

Subcutaneous Chips are replacing Cards and Keys

How many times have you faced problems like forgetting your wallet or losing your keys? These problems will not be part of the future.

Norsuntepe: The Mysterious Prehistoric Site In Turkey

One of the most important sites investigated in the region of ancient Anatolia.