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Universe: An Interconnected Neural Network?
A new way of thinking is emerging about how different areas of physics could be connected to create a model that unites traditional scientific thinking with new ideas in quantum physics.
Cibola: The Legend of the Seven Cities of Gold
Stories about lost cities full of riches were prevalent in medieval times and several of them remain to this day.
Scientists discover a Multidimensional Universe inside the brain
The new study claims that the Human Brain can create structures in up to 11 dimensions.
Loch Ness Monster Appears Again
New images caught something big moving under the waters of the lake.
Scientists believe they have discovered a Parallel Universe
Scientists believe they may have glimpsed a parallel universe crashing into our own.
What would happen to Earth if the Moon moved away?
Without our natural satellite, the planet's climate would be in chaos and life would disappear.
Artificial Intelligence Helps Decipher Mysterious Voynich Manuscript
Scientists around the world have tried to unravel its contents, but none have succeeded. Now, technology promises to help solve this 600-year-old mystery.