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China plans to build a colony on the moon populated with...
Officials in the country have announced plans to build a lunar base by 2030.
Scientists discover a Multidimensional Universe inside the brain
The new study claims that the Human Brain can create structures in up to 11 dimensions.
Scientists believe they have discovered a Parallel Universe
Scientists believe they may have glimpsed a parallel universe crashing into our own.
Bronze Age Tomb Found by Chance in Greece
The tombstone was discovered when a farmer was walking through a forest on the island of Crete and got stuck in the mud.
An Ocean of Viruses in the Sky Is Raining Down on...
A gigantic number of viruses are constantly circulating around the Earth in the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere.
The “Blood Falls” That Intrigued Scientists for 100 Years
For more than a century, scientists around the world have tried to explain the phenomenon of the red-colored waterfall in Antarctica.
Loch Ness Monster Appears Again
New images caught something big moving under the waters of the lake.
One of the Earliest Known Birth Certificates
This is one of the oldest known records of a child born in ancient Sumer.